Multiple intervention programs toolkit website

Edwards, N., MacDonald, J-A., Meyer, M., Estable, A., MacLean, L. & Zimmerman, L. (2009). MIP Toolkit [website]. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa and Ontario Ministry of Health. Available from:


This interactive dissemination and application tool was created to help plan and evaluate multiple intervention programs (MIPs) using a systematic approach. MIPs contain coordinated, interconnected interventions at more than one level of the socio-ecological system. These interventions are based on a socio-ecological model that considers health to be influenced at various levels such as individual, community, organizational, social or political. MIPs deploy many strategies using a number of channels and can target individuals, groups, communities, organizations and policies.

An example of an MIP would be a public health program related to childhood obesity prevention with interventions and activities provided through different departments in the public health organization and local community partners. (A program that has more than one intervention in one socio-ecological level or has one intervention for multiple target groups would not be considered an MIP.) The program aims to reduce childhood obesity by advocating at the political level for legislation that bans the use of trans-fats in processed foods, at the community level with physical education activities, and at the individual level to teach children about healthy eating and physical activity.

No information is available regarding the evaluation for this interactive website. New features for the MIP Toolkit are currently being developed and will be available in the summer of 2009.

Steps for Using Method/Tool

The Tool Kit website is modular and designed so that each section can be used independently. It is recommended that first-time users read through all of the content regarding MIPs. The site is composed of four interactive modules that form an overall MIP framework. The Multiple Intervention Program Tool Kit website ( can be used to:

  1. Assess whether the program is a multiple intervention program through reading frequently asked questions, reviewing modules and activities;
  2. View an introductory video about using the MIP Tool Kit website;
  3. Complete modules designed to help plan and evaluate MIPs with case examples related to public health;
  4. Download and carry out activities related to the cycles of planning and evaluating MIPs in public health;
  5. Find and use resources such as a logic model and operational plan templates;
  6. Create a “my MIP” area to track progress and store documents related to the modules and activities;
  7. Participate in knowledge exchange opportunities such as scheduled fireside chats.

These summaries are written by the NCCMT to condense and to provide an overview of the resources listed in the Registry of Methods and Tools and to give suggestions for their use in a public health context. For more information on individual methods and tools included in the review, please consult the authors/developers of the original resources.

We have provided the resources and links as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by McMaster University of any of the products, services or opinions of the external organizations, nor have the external organizations endorsed their resources and links as provided by McMaster University. McMaster University bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external sites.

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