Impact of the Knowledge Broker Mentoring Program

Since launching in 2014, participants of both cohorts have indicated that the Knowledge Broker Mentoring program has had an impact on public health practice. Please see the links below for the full reports of the cohort evaluations.

Cohort 1: Full Report

Cohort 2: Full Report

Participants and Organizations Gain:

After the program, participants are able to find evidence, critically appraise evidence, use a variety of types of evidence and produce evidence.

Impact Stories

Quality of the Program

This program is seen as high quality:

I think the training was very well done. It was nice to actually go to Hamilton, to McMaster, to have the days concentrated on the training. I mean, I suppose it was a lot all at once; it was full, but it wasn’t overwhelming or jam-packed.”


Impact on Organizations

The Knowledge Broker Mentoring Program creates the momentum for moving forward with evidence-informed decision making by enhancing and increasing the efficiency of evidence-informed decision making practice, creating more buy-in and raising the profile of evidence-informed decision making in the organization.

“I just think it brings so much value to a public health unit. I know it’s a lot for public health units to send staff for the dedicated days, but the value it brings back is unbelievable.”

Impact on Participants

Participants have increased confidence, knowledge and skills to engage in evidence-informed decision making.