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Rapid Review: What are effective policy and program initiatives to increase healthy eating and/or decrease unhealthy eating for cancer prevention?

Healthy diets can reduce the risk of developing several types of cancer. Policy has been shown to be an effective strategy for promoting healthier eating.


National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools. (2022, November 14). Rapid Review: Nutrition and cancer prevention and effective policies to increase healthy eating. 

Public health topic area:

Public Health

Review question:
General population and school-aged children to end-of-life
Policies regarding healthy eating and nutrition, including: food labelling (e.g., food packaging, menu boards, menu labelling), nutrition policies (e.g., school based policies), food prices (e.g., taxation, subsidies), incentives from government programs to support healthy eating (e.g., school menus, government-based incentives and food stamps), food promotion (e.g., broadcast media, social media, children’s settings, and in-store advertisements), food composition, food retail (e.g., in-store advertisements, restaurants, food retail locations)
Changes in healthy and/or unhealthy eating
Community (incl. restaurants, schools, workplaces)
Search Updated:

May 31, 2022

Review Completed:

Nov 14, 2022