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Physical Distancing

Living Evidence Synthesis: What is the effectiveness of physical distancing in reducing transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses (e.g., influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)) in non-healthcare community-based settings?
Evidence suggests that those who report physical distancing from others have a lower risk of COVID transmission and influenza-like illness. However, distancing policies in school settings may not reduce the risk of transmission.

Reducing Contacts

Living Evidence Synthesis: What is the effectiveness of measures to reduce contacts in reducing transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses (e.g., influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in non-healthcare community-based settings?
Gathering restrictions, stay-at-home orders, and initial school closures may have been particularly effective to reduce transmission of COVID-19, particularly during the first wave.

Transmission in daycares and schools

Living Rapid Review Update 18: What is the specific role of daycares and schools in COVID-19 transmission?
Evidence shows transmission in schools/daycares is low with strong IPAC measures in place. There is limited data on the impact of either staff or student vaccinations in mitigating risk of transmission in school and daycare settings.

Transmission in post-secondary settings

Living Rapid Review Update 4: What is known about the risk of transmission of COVID-19 within post-secondary institutions and the strategies to mitigate on-campus outbreaks?
Strategies including fast and frequent testing and isolation may help mitigate the risk for COVID-19 transmission within post-secondary institutions.

Transmission in long-term care facilities

Rapid Review Update 2: What strategies mitigate risk of COVID-19 outbreaks and mortality in long-term care facilities?
Most guideline and guidance document recommendations include comprehensive surveillance, monitoring and evaluation of staff, resident, and visitor symptoms, limiting movement into and between facilities, physical distancing, proper ventilation, and proper provision and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce transmission amongst residents and staff within facilities.

Transmission during musical activities

Rapid Review: What is known about the risk of transmission of COVID-19 during musical activities such as singing or playing a wind instrument, and how can these risks be mitigated?
Available reviews suggest that the risk of transmission through singing and instrument playing could be mitigated through standard public health measures.

Transmission in acute care settings

Rapid Review: What is the evidence for COVID-19 transmission in acute care settings?
Most studies include data collected in the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which lack of access to proper PPE was noted in some jurisdictions.

Transmission in restaurants and gyms

Rapid Review: What is known about the risk of COVID-19 transmission across different indoor settings in the community such as restaurants and gyms?
Factors that increased the risk of transmission include reduced/poor ventilation, lack of physical distancing, length of exposure time, and viral load of the infected source.

Infection prevention and control in inpatient psychiatric facilities

Rapid Review: What is known about best practices for infection prevention and control in inpatient psychiatric facilities?
There is very little evidence on effective infection control practices specific to inpatient psychiatric facilities and no guidelines informed by research evidence are available.

Copper to reduce virus transmission

Rapid Review: What is known about the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of copper materials to reduce transmission of viruses?
This review found no evidence on the efficacy or cost-effectiveness of copper-treated PPE in hospital or public settings to reduce transmission of any viruses.

Cohorting in long-term care

Rapid Review: What is the effectiveness of cohorting virus-positive residents to shared rooms in care facilities?
No research evidence was identified related to the effectiveness of cohorting COVID-19 virus-positive residents to shared rooms in long-term care facilities.



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